
Read hole-by-hole tips from the Pro's on how to play Garon Park Golf Complex.

West Course


Hole 1

A tough opener! A 220 yard tee shot short of the ditch to leave a sub 200 yard second shot. Two bunkers guard the right side of the green.


Hole 2

Bunker left and pond right! Choose a club to lay up short of both to have an easier second shot but beware of the green side pot bunker.


Hole 3

A short par 3 with bunkers protecting the front. Long or right could end up in the water!


Hole 4

Out of bounds left. Aim for the bunker in the middle of the fairway and pray!


Hole 5

Left is a no go! Aim for the right-hand side of the green for safety.


Hole 6

Fairway is key! Approaching the green, the water waits for a long or right shot. Green has slopes from back to front.


Hole 7

Short is better than long! Be mindful of the pot bunker at the front of the green.


Hole 8

Bunker to the right is the safe option. Huge pond on the left grabs many balls leaking left!


Hole 9

Just to the right of the oak tree opens up the green for second shot. Beyond the double green is out of bounds but be sure to carry the pond on your approach.

East Course


Hole 1

Keep it right of the bunkers on the left to leave a straight forward second shot to the green!


Hole 2

A long tough par 4 made even tougher if you are playing your second shot from the two fairway bunkers!


Hole 3

Don’t go long! Green slopes from back to front.


Hole 4

Risk and reward! A reachable par 4 but bunkers and a penalty area await any off line shot. An unusual green with a dip running across the centre.


Hole 5

The bell hole! Big hitters can go over the hedge or its an iron lay-up. Shot to the two tiered green can’t go long.


Hole 6

Favour the left from the tee and don’t get greedy with the second shot. Trees await on both sides. Guarded by three pot bunkers, a left pin position makes a tough approach.


Hole 7

Club up with your shot to the green. An extremely long deep green with a back stop!


Hole 8

A short par 3 with plenty of danger left and short.


Hole 9

Around 230 yards to reach the pond off the fairway to the right. The green slopes from back to front so short of the flag leaves the desired uphill putt.

South Course


Hole 1

Left of centre from the tee is favourable leaving you with a clear line to the green! A narrow entrance guarded by bunkers left and right.


Hole 2

A green sloping from back to front. Short of the flag for an uphill putt is a must.


Hole 3

A tough green to hit into! Short and left for your second shot is a good miss. The green gathers towards two bunkers on the left.


Hole 4

A short par 3 over the water made tougher if you go long! A two-tier green is this hole’s defence.


Hole 5

The bunker is a good line from the tee. Avoid at all costs the bush left of the green. An upside-down saucer green makes putting difficult!


Hole 6

A wide but narrow green with a ‘run-off’ to the back which will punish any long shot! No green side bunkers to worry about.


Hole 7

Long and straight! Another two tiered green with Two bunkers guarding the front so try and leave your favourite yardage for your approach.


Hole 8

Bunker left and bush right! A long undulating green so correct club selection is essential!


Hole 9

A double dog leg. The pond at the back of the green collects any long shot! Wide and shallow green sloping left to right.


Telephone: 01702 601701   Email: info@garonparkgolf.co.uk

Eastern Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, Essex SS2 4FA

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